Who can help me quit fast-food?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Make sure to eat your vegetables. Don’t have too many sweets. Every single one of us has heard these phrases, whether it be our mother encouraging us to finish the broccoli on our plate at dinner or commercials on TV explaining how dangerous too much sugar can be. 

Our perceptions of what is healthy and not are heavily dependent on the media we see, and as the world of influencers and social media platforms grows, so do the number of recommendations and suggestions appearing before us. As you scroll through your feed, you may come across individuals telling you to cut out carbs to be healthy, followed by a dietician who encourages eating without any restrictions, followed by someone telling you that intermittent fasting is the key to establishing healthy eating habits. Studies have found that many of the influencers on social media are “poorly qualified in order to provide nutritional or dietary guidance,” often advertising advice “without accepted scientific evidence and contrary to public health policy.” 

In order to fight through this misinformation, we have curated a list of leading charities and organisations to help you get on track. Each of these groups is based on scientific understanding and led by licensed and knowledgeable professionals. Regardless of where you’re starting from, there is someone there to help you find the best plan for your journey.

British Nutrition Foundation 🔗

A public charity dedicated to providing individuals, educators, and organisations with reliable nutritional information, the British Nutrition Foundation is “grounded in science.” Their site includes a variety of resources for anyone interested in learning more about food and creating a healthy, sustainable diet. They also offer different training sessions and events through the year including webinars, conferences, and nutrition talks.

Food Foundation 🔗

The Food Foundation is grounded in four principles: (1) improving children’s diets (2) increasing vegetable consumption (3) influencing food policy and (4) inspiring change within food businesses and investment. In addition to publishing research-based reports on food and nutrition, the organisation boasts countless initiatives including attempts to eliminate dietary inequalities, international coalition involvements, and also city-based ones, such as their recent work with the Birmingham Public Health.

First Steps Nutrition Trust 🔗

First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity. Hoping to provide individuals with practical and policy-relevant information and provide resources to health workers, the charity is focused on nutrition in young children. First Steps wants to ensure good nutrition starts from a young age and remains on everyone’s agenda.

Eating Better 🔗

Focused on climate change, Eating Better is working to stimulate a 50% reduction in meat and dairy consumption in the UK by 2030 – all aimed at creating a transition to ‘better’ meat and dairy as standard. Eating Better is focused on accelerating action on less and better meat and dairy for health, environment, animal welfare and social justice so that everyone can eat healthier, better meals.

Association for Nutrition 🔗

The Association for Nutrition is a registered charity of qualified nutrition professionals. They aim to utilist science and evidence-based nutrition standards to educate and support the public. The nutritionists work to promote public health while also advancing research and the study of nutritional science and medicine.

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Why should I give up fast-food?